Enabling Others to Use Program

Hello (hopefully this is the correct forum for this), I was wondering if it's possible to allow someone else to run a simple program that you create. For instance, is it possible to condense a program into a simple .exe file and send it to a friend where they can simply click on and run it without having an IDE/compiler. I tried simply sending the .exe file from the debug folder (Visual Studio), but they received the "MSVCP100D.dl is missing" error.

Thanks in advance!

I was wondering if it's possible to allow someone else to run a simple program that you create. For instance, is it possible to condense a program into a simple .exe file and send it to a friend where they can simply click on and run it without having an IDE/compiler.

That's the idea...

Build your program in release mode, then send your friend the executable.
It also might be wise for your friend to get the redistributable package.
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