Can't get simple script to work :/
Im going crazy.. Can anybody explain why this is failing?
Thing I want to do is simply to make the program spit out the letters that are in there...
I suck at this :(
PS: I tried ( gameBoard[usernr1][usernr2] = {{"X"}}; ) as well but it didn't work.
Thanks in advance
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#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int x = 8;
const int y = 9;
int usernr1;
int usernr2;
char gameBoard [x][y] = {{"OOOOOOOO"},
while (true)
for (int i = 1; i < x; i++)
cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
cout << "| ";
for (int j = 1; j < y-1; j++)
cout << gameBoard[i][j];
cout << " | ";
cout << "\b";
cout << "\b";
cout << "\b";
cout << "\b";
cout << "\b";
cout << endl;
cout << "Add the X cordinate: " << endl;
cin >> usernr1;
cout << "add the y cordinate: " << endl;
cin >> usernr2;
gameBoard[usernr1][usernr2] = "X";
Line 44 should be
gameBoard[usernr1][usernr2] = 'X';
Thanks Chervil! :)
Hum, I'm stuck again :/
Anybody knows why I can't use "randomPick.size" at line 60? :/
Is there an error I've missed somewhere?
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#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
class randPick
int randnr1;
int randnr2;
randPick(int _randnr1, int _randnr2)
randnr1 = _randnr1;
randnr2 = _randnr2;
int main()
int indx=-1;
int skepp;
const int x = 8;
const int y = 9;
int usernr1;
int usernr2;
cout << "Add the ammount of ships you wish to have \nin the game. (Minimum 3 and max 10).";
cin >> skepp;
while (skepp < 3 || skepp >10)
cout << "\nCheck your imput, something seems to be wrong there:" << endl;
cout << "Add the ammount of ships you wish to have \nin the game. (Standard is set to 3 and max 10).";
cin >> skepp;
for (int i = 0; i < skepp; i++)
randomPick.push_back(randPick(1+rand()%7, 1+rand()%7));
cout << "x Kordinat: " << randomPick[i].randnr1 << "y kordinat: " << randomPick[i].randnr2 << endl;
char gameBoard [x][y] = {{"OOOOOOOO"},
while (true)
cout << "Add the X cordinate: (1-7)";
cin >> usernr2;
cout << "Add the y cordinate: (1-7)";
cin >> usernr1;
for (int i = 0; i < randomPick.size; i++)
if (gameBoard[usernr1][usernr2] = gameBoard[randomPick[i].randnr1][randomPick[i].randnr2])
cout << "You've found it!!";
indx = 1;
if (indx = -1)
cout << "Keep on tryin'!";
gameBoard[usernr1][usernr2] = 'X';
while (usernr1 > y-2 || usernr2 > x-1 || usernr1 == 0 || usernr2 == 0)
cout << "Check your imput, something seems to be wrong there" << endl;
cout << "Add the X cordinate: ";
cin >> usernr2;
cout << "Add the y cordinate: ";
cin >> usernr1;
gameBoard[usernr1][usernr2] = 'X';
for (int i = 1; i < x; i++)
cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
cout << "| ";
for (int j = 1; j < y-1; j++)
cout << gameBoard[i][j];
cout << " | ";
cout << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
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