i need help this wont work

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>

void ifunc();

using namespace std;

int main(){
string me;
string mee;
string meee;

cout << "what is your favorite color"<< endl;
cin >> me;
cout << "what is your favorite number"<<endl;
cin >> mee;
cout << "what is your favorite shape"<<endl;
cin >> meee;
cout << "so your favorite number,shape,and color is " << endl;
cout << me << endl;
cout << mee << endl;
cout << meee << endl;

return 0;


void ifunc()


cout << "hey" << endl;
What exactly doesn't work?
^ this. info please!
I compiled and ran the program with no problems. What happens in your experience please? For example does it fail to compile? Or does it run but give an unexpected result? Does it crash your computer? Please be specific.
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