Output Issue

I have researched this but to no avail. So I'm going to the experts.

I have coded a ROT13 decryption program for a class I am in. The code runs fine and does what it is required to do. It reads text from a .txt file, processes the characters, and writes it back to a different txt. file. Everything is successful. The issue im finding is outputing to a command window. There are two words that contain an apostrophe. "she's" and "don't". It outputs it to the text file just fine but if I use the regular cout function to a command window it gives a weird character in place of where the apostrophe should go. If I type regular text into a cout statement it will display an apostrophe like it should. But when reading from a text file it doesn't. I want to know why and how to fix it. Any help would be great!

This is what it looks like: SheÆs, donÆt
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