installing Port Audio Visual Studio 2010

this is my first post here so I hope i'm in the right place
I'm trying to build Port Audio for Visual Studio stable v19 My computer uses Windows 7 Home premium 64 Bit operating system. Even though i'm very old I am a newbie.
I have followed the instructions as per Section 4 4) If you have Visual Studio 2005, Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition or Visual Studio 2010, double click the portaudio.sln file

When I open this file the wizard appears as per the instructions
if I click finish or next I get errors as below. I believe that it's trying to convert
portaudio.vcproj because it creates a back up sln.file.

I have searched for these error but nothing of use (ithink) or things that I understand at the moment help it possibly to do with the 64 bit system ?

I'm new to C++ (I kinda understand libraries via Arduino) and I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction to what is going wrong.

If you get this far thanks for reading......

Solution: portaudio
Filename Status Errors Warnings
expand/collapse section portaudio.sln No Conversion Required 1 0
Conversion Report - portaudio.sln:
The solution file does not require conversion.
Error creating backup file: C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.sln.old

expand/collapse section portaudio.suo 0 0
Conversion Report - portaudio.suo:
File successfully backed up as C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.suo.old

2 files Converted: 0
Not converted: 2 1 0

Project: C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.vcproj
Filename Status Errors Warnings
expand/collapse section 1 1
Conversion Report - :
Cannot load the project due to a corrupt project file.
The following error has occurred during XML parsing: File: C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.vcproj Line: 129 Column: 5 Error Message: System error: -2147154677. The file 'C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.vcproj' has failed to load.

1 file Converted: 0
Not converted: 1 1 1

Project: portaudio
Filename Status Errors Warnings
expand/collapse section portaudio.vcproj Not Converted 2 4
Conversion Report - portaudio.vcproj:
Converting project file 'C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.vcproj'.
Web deployment to the local IIS server is no longer supported. The Web Deployment build tool has been removed from your project settings.
This application has been updated to include settings related to the User Account Control (UAC) feature of Windows Vista. By default, when run on Windows Vista with UAC enabled, this application is marked to run with the same privileges as the process that launched it. This marking also disables the application from running with virtualization. You can change UAC related settings from the Property Pages of the project.
Failed to upgrade platform 'x64'. Please make sure you have it installed under '%vctargetspath%\platforms\x64'
VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool is no longer supported. The tool has been removed from your project settings.
Failed to upgrade 'Release|x64'. Please make sure you have the corresponding platform installed under '%vctargetspath%\platforms\x64'
The project configuration dimension name/value "(Platform, Win32)" was not found in the project manifest.
Project upgrade failed.

1 file Converted: 0
Not converted: 1 2 4

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