Inputting a large number for amount of strings to generate() is not as simple as I thought it would be. I need to be able to generate strings so that it takes on average 5-10 seconds to do so. However, I can not enter more than 3000 as an argument for the program to continue! If I enter 3000 it finishes generating the strings in 0.0078 seconds (or 78 milliseconds)!!! If I enter anything over that limit the program will continue to run, but not accept any user input imitating a state as if it is actually doing some work. What needs to be changed in my code?
the constructor I use:
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SortedLinkedList::SortedLinkedList(constint& max)
head = NULL;
tail = NULL;
currentPos = NULL; //could set this to head
length = 0;
maxList = max;
the driver used:
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//global variables
int userChoice;
int strings;
string userInput;
int MAX_STRINGS = 10000;
//beginning of test driver
int main() {
//Test Driver Program//
cout << "Test Driver\n" << endl;
SortedLinkedList list1(MAX_STRINGS); //creates a list
elseif(userChoice == 9) {
cout << "How many strings to create: ";
cin >> strings;
the class private members (no idea if this could be an issue):
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typedefstruct ptrNode //container for a node
string name; //name of node
ptrNode* next; //points to next node
ptrNode* prev; //points to previous node
ptrNode* head; //beginning of a list; same thing as listData in book
ptrNode* tail; //end of a list
ptrNode* currentPos; //current position in list
int length;
int maxList;
void SortedLinkedList::Generate(constint numValue)
int i;
int j;
int ranchar;
//Timer started
double start,end;
start = GetTickCount();
string *astring;
astring = new string[numValue]; //creates an array of strings equal to numValue
for(i = 0; i < numValue; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < 5; j++) { //creates strings of random characters
ranchar = rand()%26; //code from iLab doc
astring[i] += ('a'+ranchar); //astring is the actual generated string
if(Empty()) { //basically a repeat of the PutItem() function
ptrNode* temp = new ptrNode;
head = temp;
tail = temp;
temp->prev = NULL;
temp->next = NULL;
temp->name = astring[i];
else { //decides where item should be inserted at into the list
currentPos = head; //start from head
while(astring[i] > currentPos->name && currentPos->next != tail->next) {
currentPos = currentPos->next;
//compares user value with currentPos name
//continues until value is not greater than currentPos->name, or reaching the end of list
//each iteration sets currentPos to the next node in list
if(currentPos == head && astring[i] < head->name) { //places value before head
ptrNode* temp = new ptrNode;
temp->name = astring[i]; //defines name of node as user's value
temp->prev = NULL; //points back to head
temp->next = currentPos; //points new node to head
head->prev = temp; //points head to new node
head = temp; //sets node as head of list
//cout << "Inserted " << astring[i] << " before " << currentPos->name << " at the beginning" << endl; //feedback
else {
if(currentPos == tail && astring[i] > tail->name) { //places value after tail
ptrNode* temp = new ptrNode;
temp->name = astring[i];
temp->prev = tail; //prev ptr of new node points to tail
temp->next = NULL; //new node points to nothing
currentPos->next = temp; //tail points to new node
tail = temp; //new node becomes tail
//cout << "Added " << astring[i] << " at the end" << endl; //feedback
else { //places value before or after currentPos
if(currentPos->name > astring[i]) { //places before
ptrNode* temp = new ptrNode;
temp->name = astring[i];
temp->prev = currentPos->prev;
temp->next = currentPos;
(currentPos->prev)->next = temp;
currentPos->prev = temp;
//cout << "Inserted " << astring[i] << " before " << currentPos->name << endl; //feedback
else { //places after
ptrNode* temp = new ptrNode;
temp->name = astring[i];
temp->prev = currentPos;
temp->next = currentPos->prev;
(currentPos->next)->prev = temp;
currentPos->next = temp;
//cout << "Inserted " << astring[i] << " after " << currentPos->name << endl; //feedback
//Timer ends
end = GetTickCount();
double timetaken = (end - start);
cout << "This took " << timetaken << " milliseconds too complete\n";
I found some kind of work around to my problem... making special cases (if statements) that execute in the case that astring[i]'s value is = to currentPos->name. Still, I get no variation in the time it takes to do operations insert(), delete(), and checkExists(). Should the time it takes for these operations not change regardless of the size of the list?