Given a 4 Parallel Array below with initial values.
string students[] = {"Anne", "Brad", "Don", "jack"};
int exam1[] = {95,90,86,70};
int exam2[] = {97,80,77,77};
int exam3[] = {91,88,88,71};

Create a Program that will display the output below

student Exam1 Exam2 Exam3 AVG
Anne 95 97 91 94.33
Brad 90 80 88 86.00
Don 86 77 88 83.67
jack 70 77 71 72.67

//Please help me!!!!
Break the problem down and then solve it. You want to do this:

Read the first element from string.
Read the first element from exam1.
Read the first element from exam2.
Read the first element from exam3.
Read the second element from string

You will need to use a loop. ;)
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