I've been working on this lab project for a few hours, and have almost all of it finsihed, but I don't understand these errors. I'm not very good at programming and am pretty new to it, so any help at all would be wonderful! I know it's something stupid, but I just can't figure it out. Thank You!
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int Homer,Lisa,Ralph,a,b,c;
double avr , std_Dev;
std::cout<< "Enter score in Homer : "; (Error here)
int >> Homer >> std::endl;
std::cout<< "Enter score in Lisa : "; (Error here)
int >> Lisa >> std::endl;
std::cout<< "Enter score in Ralph : "; (Error here)
int >> Ralph >> std::endl;
avr = (Homer+Lisa+ Ralph)/3;
a= Homer - avr;
b = Lisa - avr;
c = Ralph - avr;
std_Dev = sqrt( (a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c) / 3 );
std::cout << " the average of the exam scores :" << avr << std::endl;
std::cout << "the standard deviation of the exam scores :" << std_Dev << std::endl;
return 0;
I did that, but I still get the same error messages
int Homer,Lisa,Ralph,a,b,c;
double avr , std_Dev;
std::cout<< "Enter score in Homer : ";
double >> Homer >> std::endl; (Error here)
std::cout<< "Enter score in Lisa : ";
double >> Lisa >> std::endl; (Error here)
std::cout<< "Enter score in Ralph : ";
double >> Ralph >> std::endl; (Error here)
avr = (Homer+Lisa+ Ralph)/3;
a= Homer - avr;
b = Lisa - avr;
c = Ralph - avr;
std_Dev = sqrt( (a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c) / 3 );
Do I have to change the int Homer, Lisa, Ralph to a double as well?