Yeah but can you do manually like on a paper !! because i dont have no idea what the hell is this thing is !!!
i got ascii table .. but how do i find out !!
We use hex because it's so easy to see what bits are set where. Decimal doesn't give us individual bits, and binary takes forever to read because you have to count all of the 1s and 0s.
It's best to memorize your hex numbers. Then when you have a 32 bit number 757935403, you can convert it on your programming calculator to 2D 2D 2D 2B and you can see what each bit is doing.
If you want to convert that to ASCII, look it up on your ASCII table. You'll see it turns into
Another easy way to do this in code is to do this with the <iomanip> library: std::cout << std::hex << test;
or to split it up, you can also use unions: