LED control of a computer using software made ​​in C++.


Is there a possibility that a console program written in C control the LED status of the computer?
I'm not talking here about the keyboard LEDs, but the LED corresponding to such a state of hard disk drive, power status.

Is it at all is the ability to 'take control' over these diodes? Or rather, it controls a separate computer system?

Most care about the control module status LED WiFi adapter. I replaced the network card, but my laptop is not the end of the supports. The computer starts up, but you can not control function keys adapter. When you turn off the card in Device Manager, the light is not extinguished. If I could create a program that will control the LED, so I could take a supplement program (second separate program) to the function keys, which does not support the new card.
Laptop is a Toshiba Satellite L650 1M0. I think that computer security is not strong because it is not protected from the BIOS. If it were, would not run at all. Only the lack of logic LED WiFi.
In taking the science program was outweighed might want to control the LED's.

Please be patient with me and write in simple language - both programming (I'm a novice programmer programming language C++) and plain English.
I do not know English well, so I took the Google Translate. Sorry for my bad language ...

[b] Compiler: [/ b] Microsoft Visual C + + 2010 Express
[b] Language of software: [/ b] C++
[b] Program type: [/ b] console (maybe later I'll try Windows Form ...?)
[b] System: [/ b] Microsoft Windows 7 x64
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