
Hello everybody!. I decided to stop using system("pause") function for gaining good programming habbits. After reading and examing the "Hello world" post of this forum.. i decided to try my luck with the conio.h library on getch or getche. I choosed them because i like to know almost a little every function hat i am using aand the version with numeric limits wasn't for my understanding...
Now i ask you, professional programmers (1)if there is any bad points in using getch/getche stuff, (2) which of them is more suitable for my begginer/intermediate programs and (3) if you can think of any other variants a little easier to understand ...(+ explanation). Thank you in advance!
Both getch and getche are nonstandard functions (they don't work on all compilers). A standard function is getchar, and since I'm using C++, I prefer to use cin.get.
(1) what library do i need and which is the way of using getchar because i tried remplacing getch or getche with it with no succes..
(2) same for cin.get..
Thanks in advance
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I thought getchar was standard for C but not recommended for C++ like printf vs. cout?
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With standard, I meant ubiquitous, not proper.
Got it.
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