My first assignment for my CS class is to rewrite a simple program and to add the correct preprocessesor directory, namespace, and termination. For some reason it keeps giving me errors every time I build it.
Program "sh" not found in Path <- All my whats.
(Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved)x2
Symbol 'std' could not be resolved
I cannot figure out what the problem is. Everything seems right to me.
Could it simply be because Cygwin GCC is unsupported on my system, but I'm building it anyways?
That's probably it, isn't it....?
I'm extremely new, so pardon my ignorance.
(I also changed it up a bit)
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File: 98765ryg.cpp
Author: John Doe
Program: popofpdsofp
Due Date: 09/04/13
Input: none
Constants: none
Output (screen): Doe, John
Major: CS
Minor: None
Favorite Hobby: Pooping
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << "Doe, John \n"
<< "C.S.1300 \n"
<< "09/04/13 \n\n";
cout << "Major: CS \n"
<< "Minor: None \n"
<< "Favorite Hobby: Pooping \n";
return 0;