Getting started in C++

Hi I'm new to this forum and the C++ language. So I would like to know the following about getting started:How should I practice coding in C++? Specifically I'm having trouble in memorizing the commands and their uses. Any way to improve on this? Also I don't know what
I should be doing for practice. Any suggestions?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated:) thanks:)
Here are 73 video tutorials for the c++ beginner

Will take you from if-statements to OOP and all the way to template functions and file manipulation

If you are not taking any courses anytime soon and happen to speak french, sign up for this course:
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Specifically I'm having trouble in memorizing the commands and their uses. Any way to improve on this?

Just takes practice. That's how everyone is. I get that way when learning new APIs or libraries. Seems overwhelming at first, but after using it for a little bit you get used to it all. But don't worry about trying to remember every piece of information about the language. Everyone has to refer to references for various pieces of the language.

As for getting better in general, just get to programming. Start small and just work your way up in complexity.
Hullo, tainted silver! Nice to have you at! You can start here if you wish:
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