The problem I am having is that the which movies to view function is supposed to ask the user how they want the titles displayed (view all or by genre). Then the get_movies function is supposed to display the titles based on how the user answered the question in the which movies to view function. Below is how I have the code for the two functions currently, but it isn't right. I don't know how to link the 'answer' from which movies to view function to the get_movies function. How can I do this? Should I declare viewchoice as a global variable? in order to use answer in both functions?
I can post entire program if needed, but my problem relates specifically to these two functions:
//ask user which movies he wants to view, ask if they want to view all or by genre
void which_movies_to_view(movie_record movies[])
int viewchoice;
int genrechoice;
cout<< "View all movies or by genre (press 1 for view all or 2 for by genre or 3 for exit: "<< endl;
cin>> viewchoice;
if (viewchoice == 1)
cout<< "These are all the movies available currently: "<< endl;
cout << movies[0].title << endl;
cout << movies[1].title << endl;
cout << movies[2].title << endl;
cout << movies[3].title << endl;
cout << movies[4].title << endl;
elseif(viewchoice == 2)
cout<< "Which genre do you want to view: kids (1),family (2), comedy (3), thriller (4), exit (5): "<< endl;
cin>> genrechoice;
cout << endl;
if(genrechoice == 1)
cout << movies[0].title << endl;
elseif (genrechoice == 2)
cout << movies[2].title << endl;
elseif (genrechoice == 3)
cout << movies[1].title << endl << movies[4].title << endl;
elseif (genrechoice == 4)
cout << movies[3].title << endl;
}while(genrechoice != 5);
}while(viewchoice != 3);
// this function should display the titles of the movies dependant one
// how user answer to view all or by genre in the function above.
void get_movies(movie_record movies[])
int userchoice;
cout<< "Please choose a movie to view (1 - 5) exit(6): "<< endl;
if(userchoice == 1)
cout << movies[0].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 2)
cout << movies[1].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 3)
cout << movies[2].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 4)
cout << movies[3].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 5)
cout << movies[4].title << endl;
}while(userchoice != 6);
vector<movie_record> filter(const vector<movie_record>&, const genre_type&);
vector<movie_record> filter(const vector<movie_record>& movies, const genre_type& genre)
//vector. this is where we will store our movies of a single genre
vector<movie_record> filtered_movies;
//iterate through the list
for(vector<movie_record>::const_iterator it = movies.begin(); it != movies.end(); ++it)
//if we cross a record of the genre we want to see, add it to the list
if(it->genre == genre)
//now we have a single genre of movies to show.
return filtered_movies;
and now you have a list of movies that consists of a single genre. Note that you will need to at a new piece of data if it isn't already there. You need to be able to identify the genre of a movie_record and this means a new piece of data must be added that identifies it as such.
vector<movie_record> Filter(const vector<movie_record>&, const genre_type&);
vector<movie_record> Filter(const vector<movie_record>& movies, const genre_type& genre)
//vector. this is where we will store our movies of a single genre
vector<movie_record> filtered_movies;
//iterate through the list
for(int i = 0; i < movies.size(); i++)
//if we cross a record of the genre we want to see, add it to the list
if(movies[i] == genre)
filtered_movies[i] = movies[i];
//now we have a single genre of movies to show.
return filtered_movies;
//ask user which movies he wants to view, ask if they want to view all or by genre
void which_movies_to_view(movie_record movies[])
int viewchoice;
int genrechoice;
cout<< "View all movies or by genre (press 1 for view all or 2 for by genre or 3 for exit: "<< endl;
cin>> viewchoice;
if (viewchoice == 1)
cout<< "These are all the movies available currently: "<< endl;
for(int i=0;i<NUM_MOVIES;i++)
elseif(viewchoice == 2)
cout<< "Which genre do you want to view: kids (1),family (2), comedy (3), thriller (4), exit (5): "<< endl;
cin>> genrechoice;
cout << endl;
// Kids
if(genrechoice == 1)
for(int i=0;i<NUM_MOVIES;i++)
if(movies[i].genre == "Kids")
// Familly
elseif (genrechoice == 2)
for(int i=0;i<NUM_MOVIES;i++)
if(movies[i].genre == "Family")
// Comedy
elseif (genrechoice == 3)
for(int i=0;i<NUM_MOVIES;i++)
if(movies[i].genre == "Comedy")
// Thriller
elseif (genrechoice == 4)
for(int i=0;i<NUM_MOVIES;i++)
if(movies[i].genre == "Thriller")
}while(genrechoice != 5);
}while(viewchoice != 3);
// this function should display the titles of the movies dependant one
// how user answer to view all or by genre in the function above.
void get_movies(movie_record movies[], int userchoice)
if(userchoice == 1)
cout << movies[0].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 2)
cout << movies[1].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 3)
cout << movies[2].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 4)
cout << movies[3].title << endl;
if(userchoice == 5)
cout << movies[4].title << endl;
But still even with this. The instructions are to have the which_movies_to_view function is only to ask the user for a filter to view all or by genre.
And the get_movies function is to display the movie titles based on how the user answered the which_movies_to_view.
Something is still not right. And I am getting an infinite loop on top of that as well....
YOU HAVE TO ADD GENRE as a member of the movie_record structure... you can't make a boolean comparison of two things that don't have operators to handle them.
initiate your integers, and reset them before input.
Also, stop using elseif statements.... the compiler can confuse multiple nested else/if statements in some cases. I stay away from them. You will need to add continue at the end of the if statements though.