I am starting to get into C++, and I just want to make sure if I am looking in the right direction as far as when it comes to learning the language. I am using two books, and I am curious if I should just pick one over the other. The books are:
Accelerated C++
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
I am curious if I am going in the right direction in regards to the text I am using. Accelerated C++ is my primary book, and I am curious if I should just stick with it. The book is fairly short compared to the one below it, but I got it because it was recommended when I searched for books.
Now my second direction is in regards to exercises, I searched, and found this post:
I am curious if there is any more possible posts, or websites with exercises I should use so I can improve my ability with C++. Basically anything with more homework since practice makes perfect.
What I really want to know is if I am heading in the right direction for self-teaching myself C++. If I am not, is there more advice/tips you may lend me?
Books of Straustrup are the worst books for beginners. The issue is that some idiots that have no intellect advice to read them. Their advice is simply based on that Straustrup is the author of C++. However Straustrup is more a theoretic than a practic. As a practical progranmmer he is very weak and he demonstrates a very bed style of programming. He is very tongue-tied. So his books have a big volume but they give nothing to beginners.
It does not mean that books of Straustrup are bad in general. However it is better to read them when you are not a beginner.
Okay, what about Accelerated C++? Would a book like that be advisable for beginners? I have seen it recommended as the book I have listed below it so I just want to know if I am going the correct route as far as book(s) go. If any of you think there is better text for beginners, then please show me.
I am only 40 or so pages into that book, and I just want to know if there is something else any of you would recommend as opposed to that text. Honestly, I just want to make sure if I am at a good start when approaching this language.
Also I would like to know if this site is of any use...
I hear there are some sites that give bad practice/tutorials so I just want to make sure I am following accurate tutorials, and practice.
Not so far I took part in the discussion of the Bubble sort algorithm. Here is the thread http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/109081/
And sites that were referenced to incorrectly called as the Bubble sort algorithm some other sort algoritnms as for example selection sort or insertion sort. So I would not advice to trust sites. It is better to read books because they are edited by specialists.
It may be better to find someone who truly know c++ to teach and guide you. Though it may be weird experience if you meet wrong tutor
It is always nice to have a person teach instead of learning by yourself, but I do not know of a person. I figured I would teach myself. So is self-teaching oneself not advisable when it comes to this language, or any programming language?
I just assumed that some members here picked up the language on their own, and I figured that if there was any present, would they be able to offer me any more advice in regards to beginning. Since I am doing this by myself, I am trying my best to make sure I have my bases covered so that I can learn properly. Hence, why I came here.
And sites that were referenced to incorrectly called as the Bubble sort algorithm some other sort algoritnms as for example selection sort or insertion sort. So I would not advice to trust sites. It is better to read books because they are edited by specialists
So is self-teaching oneself not advisable when it comes to this language, or any programming language?
I self-taught (self teaching) myself. I have been working on Python and c++ for the past few years. I dont see any problem with it. I am a cheap bastard. I always am willing to spend 10X longer doing it if need be by myself, than pay someone to do (or help me do) AKA teach me it. The internet is practically unlimited. There are more than enough resources to aid self-teaching, and it only gets larger as time goes on.
But you will spend a lot more time practicing, and playing with it, than reading a book/web.
It is always nice to have a person teach instead of learning by yourself, but I do not know of a person.
In Russia there is said that one head is good but two heads are better.:) As a programmer you should always read books on programming. Even if a book is bad as you think in any case it is a good idea to read it from the very beginning to the end than to drop to read it in the middle.
I self-taught (self teaching) myself. I have been working on Python and c++ for the past few years. I dont see any problem with it. I am a cheap bastard. I always am willing to spend 10X longer doing it if need be by myself, than pay someone to do (or help me do) AKA teach me it. The internet is practically unlimited. There are more than enough resources to aid self-teaching, and it only gets larger as time goes on.
But you will spend a lot more time practicing, and playing with it, than reading a book/web.
Ahh, that is true. Thank you for your response.
In Russia there is said that one head is good but seven heads are better.
Haha, this is true. As far as books go, I understand that a lot of reading is required when it comes to learning any language. Would you say c++ is an evolving language? I would think so.
I'm also a beginner in learning C++. I'm not sure if a beginner can help another beginner but I had the same experiences as you do now.
I first used Lippman et al's C++ Primer but after one chapter I realized that it is not for the beginner (I think it's good for intermediate or advanced learners and then as a reference). So I searched a lot and finally got Rao's Sam's Teach Yourself C++ One Hour a Day. I think this is much better book than those you mentioned for the beginner. I'm now through almost half of it and I think it has helped me a lot.
My next books will be Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2012 and Prata's C++ Primer Plus.
There are many other books out there. When choosing, remember that any good book should have some exercises as well because you just can't learn by reading. C++ Primer Plus has this advantage over C++ Primer.