Where next

I have learne console programming and id like to either
A) get better
B) Move on to something else
If you know of a good source for either please post
I think for a month ill stay on console but after that what next
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How long have you been learning?

Also, what do you know exactly?
I have studied for over a year but I'm about as good as a six month learner...
I know how to use references, pointers, classes...
lol ;) sorry
Why sorry??
I have studied for over a year but I'm about as good as a six month learner
How well can you use the concepts you have learned so far? What kind of programs have you already written?

There are always design patterns, multithreading, metaprogramming, GUI, etc.
Where can I learn about them I haven't heard of multithreading...
Also I want to implement them better but I don't know wheree to go??
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