Why do people write Linked List classes?

I am trying to learn how to use linked lists, and all of the tutorials on how to use them have you building your own class to manage the list. I understand how those classes work, but it seems needlessly complicated, when a little bit of searching in the documentation on this site revealed built in containers to do it for you, namely list and forward_list. Do these not do what I think they do? What am I missing here? Why would you implement linked lists yourself, if the c++ standard library has already done it for you?

Each programmer does this that to get some experience and to learn the language.

By the way different languages usually have different realizations and interfaces of lists.:)

Maybe we need some International Standard Committee that will give us rules how linked lists shall be implemented.:)
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Implementing a linked list is the canonical exercise on pointers and data structures. Nevertheless, the reinvention of the wheel is usually due to either ignorance or learning. :-)
So just to be entirely clear, list and forward_list are perfectly fine to use in place of handmade linked list implementations?

I certainly understand implementing it yourself as an exercise, but nowhere in the various tutorials and explanations that I looked up did they mention the existence of list and forward_list. I had to go documentation searching to find those.
In books you are given the idea of the design of lists. The realization of std::list is more complicated. Moreover before the C++ 2011 standard there was no standard single linked list in C++.
By the way there is yet neither standard double linked list nor single linked list in C.
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closed account (G309216C)
Linked Lists for beginners is a learning scope\idea but it is also highly used in our OS Kernel to pass on chunks of data at one single given time.

For example functions like ZwQuerySystemInformation , which displays data\information regarding processes use Linked Lists, try learn it it is definitely useful in long coming.
Manual linked lists are also useful when you want reusable nodes, or nodes of variable length:
struct Node{
    Node *next;
    unsigned length;
    T array[1];


assert(n > 0);
Node *node = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node) + sizeof(T) * (n - 1));
node->length = n;
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