am a student of information technology
and am in 2nd year
am facing problems in mini project
i dont know what kind of topic to chose as i have to do only in c++
help me out please
our class has been asked to do a mini project in c++
am not good at programming
so i dont know what topic to choose for the project as we have to write the code for it in c++ and execute it infront of the class
topics like library management ,hotel management,tic tac toe are restricted as they have been done by the seniors
my problem is
i dont have the topic
and even if i get the topic
i dont know how to write the code for it
I don't care to help those who don't want to put in the time and effort to learn. What you want is for us to do your project for you, and that just isn't going to happen, unless some sucker falls for you.
The question you need to ask yourself is... do you care to be a programmer or not? Somebody else doing it for you is never going to help you beyond getting a piece of paper that says "pass". If you're no good maybe you're in the wrong class, or, take the effort to learn outside of class if you really care.
As for ideas, I'm guessing it is console based. You could try a multi-purposed calculator, a hangman game...
i never wanted to be a programmer
its all the family pressure
yea i need a "PASS" on my certificate which is why i'm asking for help
by the way
atleast suggest me some topics
i'll try my best on it
and it need not be advanced
All the ideas Daleth listed are good.
A few more ideas:
Pig latin program that translated things to pig latin, text adventure, a program that alphabetizes a list, a message encrypter/decrypter that uses an algorithm to alter strings and shift them up/down a few characters, number guessing game where the program generates a number randomly and you guess it and the program tell you to go higher or lower until you get the number right (for more functionality have the program count your moves and say that you lose after you guess too many times)
I came up with all of these off the top of my head. Just be creative.
I personally don't like people like you,but as it's pressure or so,whatever.
I accidently found some old project ,while searching for a picture and I was reading this topic on the same time,so :s..I don't even remember when I've created this...If it's too simple or just bad for you,Can't help you.: