@rechard3: His include files already have that. (I looked at the includes when I was at work before the rar file was broken)
@ardeshir81: It looks as if you are compiling date.o and person.o
And both these .o files have a definition of itos(int)
obj\Debug\Person.o||In function `Z4itosi':| |
This is showing the person.o file, and even though you did not name the function Z4itosi this is still your function. .o files use strange names that the compiler gives, and can be even stranger if the code is obfuscated. This line tells you where the problem is.
C:\Users\Ardeshir81\Desktop\RedeclarationTest\AdditionalFuncs.h|9|multiple definition of `itos(int)'| |
This line tells you what the problem is.
obj\Debug\Date.o:C:\Users\Ardeshir81\Desktop\RedeclarationTest\AdditionalFuncs.h|9|first defined here| |
The function is first defined in Date.o whose source came from here:
C:\Users\Ardeshir81\Desktop\RedeclarationTest\AdditionalFuncs.h|9 |
This is another line to tell you what the problem is. Since the problem is a multiple definition of a function the compiler needs to at least tell you both the locations.
So it would look as if you are compiling each of these .o files separately and then trying to combine them to produce the exe? I am just guessing on that, but if that is the case then this function needs to be defined in only one .cpp file. When it is only in one .cpp file it should only end up in one .o file.
I am also guessing that the function is defined in Date.cpp and Person.cpp.
I would do a lot less guessing but the archive is damaged on the download site.