while ((dirp = readdir( dp )))
filepath = dir + "/" + dirp->d_name;
// If the file is a directory (or is in some way invalid) we'll skip it
if (stat( filepath.c_str(), &filestat )) continue;
if (S_ISDIR( filestat.st_mode )) continue;
// Endeavor to read a single number from the file and display it
fin.open( filepath.c_str() );
if (fin >> num)
cout << filepath << ": " << num << endl;
actually i want to open a csv file..... and want to include the filepath when i run the programm.... no idea how to do that. so i tried this code but with this code i couldnt open a file....
it would be great if anyone can tell me how to create a code where i can include the filepath throug my input to open and read the file.
while ((dirp = readdir( dp )))
filepath = dir + "/" + dirp->d_name;
// If the file is a directory (or is in some way invalid) we'll skip it
if (stat( filepath.c_str(), &filestat )) continue;
if (S_ISDIR( filestat.st_mode )) continue;
// Endeavor to read a single number from the file and display it
fin.open( filepath.c_str() );
if (fin >> num)
cout << filepath << ": " << num << endl;