using declarations together

So i pretty much just finally understood the concept of using something like:
const int &var
in the parameters of a function. Where it uses the reference to quicken the process, but is not allowed to change the contents

Where this one meshes const and a reference together, are there others like this that are a shortcuts to make unique outcomes? I was looking at trying to get a list of such things.
The complete syntax of a C++ declaration is pretty complex. Take a look at

(in your example, const int is the decl-specifier-seq, where const is the cv-qualifier and int is the simple type specifier, and &var is the declarator)
oh wow that is complex, thanks for the link
Where it uses the reference to quicken the process, but is not allowed to change the contents

More specifically - it removes the need to create a copy of the object being passed as a parameter. As well as the performance benefits, it also avoids any side-effects associated with the copy constructor - and allows you to safely pass objects that aren't copyable or haven't had a copy constructor written for them.

oh wow that is complex, thanks for the link

If it helps, I've never had to use the terms "decl-specifier-seq", "cv-qualifier" or "declarator" in nearly 20 years of being a C/C++ developer :) The way the rules work together are, mostly, logical and intuitive. "const" means pretty much the same thing with a reference as it does with anything else, for example. Once you know what "const" means, the way it applies to a reference is pretty intuitive.
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