i have a question regarding a part of my code,,,,i don't understand y I don't get the correct answer in my output,,please help me :)
I am applying the dynamic prog. sol'n to the following function:
f(n)=f(n-1)-f(n-2)+f(n-3) , n>4
f(n)=n+2 , n<=4
Here is the section that gives me the wrong output:
int dynamic_f(int n)
return (n+2);
int a=2;
int b=3;
int c=4;
int d;
for(int i=5;i<=n;i++)
return d;
NB: I don't get any errors or warnings when compiling but the output is wrong for example if i run the code for n=6 i should get d=4 but instead i get d=2