#include <iostream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
int main ()
cout << "THIS IS A SIMPLE POLL" <<endl;
string q1;
cout << "NAME:" <<endl;
getline (cin,q1);
string q2;
cout << "AGE:" <<endl;
getline (cin,q2);
string p1;
cout << "Do you drink milk at breakfast? Y/N " <<endl;
getline (cin,p1);
string p2;
cout << "Do you eat cereals on your breakfast? Y/N " <<endl;
getline (cin,p2);
string p3;
cout << "Do you take bananas on your breakfast? Y/N " <<endl;
getline (cin,p3);
cout << "Total number of persons who drink milk at their breakfast: "<<p1<<endl;
cout << "Total number of persons who eat cereals on their breakfast: "<<p2<<endl;
cout << "Total number of persons who take bananas on their breakfast: "<<p3<endl;
return 0;
1st of all i got another pending thread.. sorry for multi threading as i dont want to mix stuffs in one thread :) anyways,
i know that in my draft syntax to make a poll it should go that way..
but its only a draft anyways :)
so what my issue is..
for example i need like 5 persons to answer a poll
and on lines 15,18 and 21 they will answer only with Y/N and what do i want to happen is at line 24,25 and 26 i want to see how many people answered Y or N and also..
how can i make the lines 9,12,15,18 and 21 repeat it self (cuz its time for the 2nd person to take the poll) without actually retyping all of them (or copy and paste)
do i need to set an integer/variable value to Y/N so that it displays the number of persons who says either Y/N and if so..
if (p1 == 'Y')
int countyes++; // <-- note that I am assuming this this will be declared above
int countno ++;
// set int and if statement up for each question
or you could just build a 1d array to store the tally and perhaps a function for the if statement. As for the loop there is numerous way to do. If you know the amount of people then it could be as simple as
1 2 3 4 5
int counter = 0;
while (counter < theamountofppl)
// rest of code
or you could use recursion or a for loop and so forth. If you don't know the amount of people then array may not be to your best intention especially if you aren't familiar with pointers.
kingkong200, your code is redefining the countyes and countno variables within the if/else block, so any previously defined countyes and countno variables would be left unchanged. This would also mean that you are essentially calling the increment operator on an uninitialized variable, which should force failed compilation.
usingnamespace std;
int main()
int test = 5;
if(test == 5) {
int test = 27; //this is NOT the test in main
cout << test << '\n'; //27
cout << test; //5
ok so thats how i did the poll the thing is.. like i set the no. of persons to take the poll to 2 and in the end it doesnt tally all off those who says Y ..
just try to run the syntax and you'll see what im talking about XD
int countyes, countno = 0;
// should be above the for loop because it is essence it is redeclaring those values as being zero.
// so...
char name[20];
int age,Y,N;
int voters;
int countyes = 0;
int countno = 0;
// other code
for (int s = 1; s <=voters; s++)
I apologize if that was misleading in the post. Furthermore, I noticed it didn't work when I put in 'y' , but it did work when I put 'Y' so if you want it to be non specific you could go
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
if (p1 == 'Y' || p1 == 'y')
//the else if statement really isn't necessary or you could use a switch function
The last thing I noticed was the placement of
cout << "Number of persons who drink milk at breakfast: " <<countyes<<endl;
Was within the for loop as well and I am not sure if you wanted that as well. Also, while I am not sure it was what you wanted but, you need also a cout statement for the no's as well. It's the same idea but, replace countyes with countno. Hope this helps.
so with the latest code you provided that should count how many people who says yes right?
i'll test it out later as im not on my work desk :)
anyways i got another querry tho this with the syntax above line 35 will appear every time there is another set of voter. i wonder if how can i make it like line 37 who will apear only on the last? uhm.. if not trouble some to you? can you post the whole syntax of what it should be?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
int main ()
char name[20];
int age, s; //removed Y and N integers
int voters;
int q1yes = 0, q2yes = 0, q3yes = 0;
int q1no = 0, q2no = 0, q3no = 0;
string p1; // You only need one empty string not multiples
cout<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"#####A voting poll#####";
cout<<"How many voters ? : ";
cout << "Name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Do you drink milk at breakfast? Y/N ";
cin >> p1;
if(p1 == "Y" || p1 == "y")
q1no ++;
cout << "do you drink cereal at breakfast?";
cin >> p1;
if(p1 == "Y" || p1 == "y")
q2no ++;
cout << "do you eat a banana at breakfast?";
cin >> p1;
if(p1 == "Y" || p1 == "y")
system("PAUSE"); // didn't make sense for me to have it at the end of program, but it also depends on your complier so adjust accordingly.
cout << "the amount of people who said yes to question 1 was: " << q1yes << endl << "and those who said no was: " << q1no << endl;
cout << "the amount of people who said yes to question 2 was: " << q2yes << endl << "and those who said no was: " << q2no << endl;
cout << "the amount of people who said yes to question 3 was: " << q3yes << endl << "and those who said no was: " << q3no << endl;
cout << "Number of persons who said yes in total in this poll " << q1yes + q2yes + q3yes <<endl;
cout << " Total Num of ppl who said no in this quiz: " << q1no + q2no + q3no << endl;
cout << "The number of persons who take the poll are: "<<voters<<endl;
return 0;
#####A voting poll#####
How many voters ? : 2
Name: Bob
Do you drink milk at breakfast? Y/N y
do you drink cereal at breakfast?n
do you eat a banana at breakfast?Y
Press any key to continue . . .
Name: Help
Do you drink milk at breakfast? Y/N N
do you drink cereal at breakfast?n
do you eat a banana at breakfast?n
Press any key to continue . . .
the amount of people who said yes to question 1 was: 1
and those who said no was: 1
the amount of people who said yes to question 2 was: 0
and those who said no was: 2
the amount of people who said yes to question 3 was: 1
and those who said no was: 1
Number of persons who said yes in total in this poll 2
Total Num of ppl who said no in this quiz: 4
The number of persons who take the poll are: 2
Press any key to continue . . .
It obvious that you will have to adjust some of the string, but in terms of what you were trying to do I think it does it correctly. Furthermore, it might be in your interest to set up a while loop in order to ensure y or Y or n or N is being placed into the program, but I'll leave that up to you.