Overloaded function.

closed account (NUj6URfi)
I have been using return a lot and I have overloaded it. What can I do about this? I can't use it less.
closed account (NUj6URfi)
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
you need to be more clear. i dont think you can actually overload return. and yousr post is very confusing
closed account (NUj6URfi)
I messsed up. I didn't overload return but cin.get();. My compiler doesn't like system("PAUSE");.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
do you actually know what the term overloading in c++ means? and could you post your code because your post isnt quite clear
closed account (NUj6URfi)

[Error] statement cannot resolve address of overloaded function
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
please post all of your code
closed account (NUj6URfi)
I can't. I messed up again by posting return. I used cin.get(); too much. The reason I can't post my code is because I don't have it on me.
From what I see, if I understand correctly, you can simply delete overloading function and it should be fine, but idk as your words are unclear.
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