I am reading "Programming Principles and Practice Using C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup. I am currently on chapter 17.9.3 (just informing those of you who by any chance have read the book). I understand how to use pointers. I know how allocation and deallocation of memory works. But I don't understand the following class. Please explain it to me in the simplest possible way, because if I don't understand it I won't be able to continue reading the book.
The following class is a double-linked list (given a link you can find both the predecessor and the successor).
#include "std_lib_facilities.h" // comes with the book
struct Link
string value;
Link* prev; // I don't understand how this works
Link* succ; // I don't understand how this works
Link(const string& v, Link* p = 0, Link* s = 0)
// default arguments, I know how they work
: value(v), prev(p), succ(s) { }
Link* insert(Link* old_obj_p, Link* new_obj_p) // I don't understand how this works
if(old_obj_p == 0) return new_obj_p;
if(new_obj_p == 0) return old_obj_p;
new_obj_p->succ = old_obj_p;
if(old_obj_p->prev) old_obj_p->prev->succ = new_obj_p;
new_obj_p->prev = old_obj_p->prev;
old_obj_p->prev = new_obj_p;
return new_obj_p;
int main()
Link* norse_gods = new Link("Thor", 0, 0);
norse_gods = insert(norse_gods, new Link("Odin"));
norse_gods = insert(norse_gods, new Link("Freia"));
cout << norse_gods->succ->succ->value <<"\n";
cout << norse_gods->succ->value <<"\n";
cout << norse_gods->value <<"\n";
return 0;
It's called a doubly linked list. Each element in the list is a single instance of Link. Each element contains a pointer to the next element in the list - which is another instance of Link, hence it's stored as a Link* - Link* succ;. Each element also contains a pointer to the previous element in the list, also stored as a Link* - Link* prev;.
The insert function is inserting a new Link object, which new_obj_p points to, into the list. Specifically, it's inserting it at the position in the list previously occupied by the element that old_obj_p points to. In other words, it's inserted into the list immediately before the one that old_obj_p points to.
So, as you can see, it sets the pointers in the new object such that the previous object is the one that old_obj_p has recorded as its previous object, and the next object in the list is now set to be old_obj_p itself.
Similarly, the old object has its pointers set so that the one before it is now new_obj_p. The one after it is unchanged.
value = "Thor" |
NULL <---prev |
succ---> NULL |
On line 28, when the insert function is called:
Line 16 is false
Line 17 is false
On line 18, new_obj_p->succ is assigned the address of
old_obj_p, so now it looks like this:
value = "Odin" |
NULL <---prev |
succ ---> old_obj_p |
Line 19 is false
On line 20, new_obj_p->prev is assigned the address of
old_obj_p->prev, so now it looks like this:
value = "Odin" |
old_obj_j->prev <--- prev |
succ ---> old_obj_p |
On line 21 old_obj_p->prev is assigned the address of
new_obj_p, so now it looks like this:
value = "Thor" |
new_obj_j->prev <--- prev |
succ ---> old_obj_p |
Does this help?