#include<stdio.h> /* for printf and scanf */
/* Macro constants */
#define UNDER_HUN_DISC .10
#define OVER_HUN_DISC .12
#define TAX_RATE .05
/* function prototypes */
int determine_teacher(char user_response); /* prompt user for total and if teacher */
double calculate_discount(double sale_total); /* if teacher, calculate the discount */
/* program entry point */
int main(void)
/* variable dclarations */
char teacher_response; /* input, response from user if teacher */
double purchase_total; /* input, stores sales total */
int teacher; /* store customer status 0(false) not teacher 1(true) teacher */
double discount_amount; /* if customer is a teacher stores the discount amount */
double discounted_total; /* purchase total minus discount amount */
double tax_total; /* stores the total of the sales tax */
double trans_total; /* transaction total */
/* prompt user for input */
printf("Is customer a teacher(Y/N)?");
scanf("%c", &teacher_response);
teacher = determine_teacher(teacher_response);
printf("Not Teacher");
}/* end of main() */
/* function that prompts user for input and return if teacher or not */
int determine_teacher(char input_response)
while(!(input_response == 'Y' || input_response == 'N' || input_response == 'n' || input_response == 'y'))
scanf("%c", &input_response);
return 1;
return 0;
}/* end of determine_teacher() */
It looks like when execution reaches line 51, scanf reads the newline character from the previous input.
You could either clear the input buffer before proceeding: while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF);
Or, add a space before the %c in the scanf call on line 51. That will make scanf ignore all leading whitespace (including any newline characters). I'm unsure if it will skip carriage return '\r', though.