I'm writing a simple program to extract the last X bytes/bits of a file.
So, to test my program I use 4 files:
image.jpg --> it is a image in jpg fomart. 13955 bytes.
sometext.txt --> is a text file with contain just 'sometext'. 9 bytes
both.file --> A file that contatin image.jpg + sometext.text. 13955 bytes + 9 bytes.
result --> Should be the same file as sometext.txt ( both.file - image.jpg )
I have created both.file my running 'cat image.jpg sometext.text > both.file'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
fstream file5 ("both.file", ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate);
fstream file6 ("result", ios::out|ios::binary);
//Finding the file size.
size = file5.tellg();
file5.seekg (0,ios::beg);
resultSize = 9;
file5.seekg (resultSize , ios::end);
memblock = new char [resultSize];
file5.read (memblock,resultSize);
result is a file of 9 bytes. But it did not contain 'sometext'.
Just the lasts letters as you can see here
[joao@eddie cplusplus]$ od sometext.txt
0000000 067563 062555 062564 072170 000012
[joao@eddie cplusplus]$ od result
0000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000012
So, can someone help to make my code work. I mean result be the same file as sometext.txt