What do I save codes as?

Hey I am JUST starting, and i need some help. I want to take some other people's codes, but I don't know what to save them as in a Notepad doc. Please tell me.
For C file extension will be .c and for c++ file it should be .cpp or .cc (depending on the compiler)
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Use a real editor. Notepad++ is one of the best without an IDE.
You could use notepad but then you need another compiler that compiles the code into an .exe. You can't just save the plain text as an .exe
If you're looking for a good compiler... I would suggest GCC/G++ from GNU wich is free and available on window with cygwin. Since you're just starting, it could be a great idea to get use to work wich such thing.

The sooner the better... :P
It obviously depends on the O/S your using, if your using "vista" Dev-C++ works well.
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