compilers and headers


I am tired of this, I have installed several compilers,
pelleC, Code::blocks(MinGW), dev-cpp,and even ms visual studio
and a lot more other compilers,

but when I try to find an open source code on the net and try to compiler it
error clrscr(); not recognized

header file graphics.h not recognized .... ect

most compilers don't support new headers and stuff
what shall I do, what compiler should I use, and if its possible to make my old compilers use graphics.h header and clrscr(); of conio.h function, how?

I searched in the answers here , they said use system("cls"); instead of clrscr();
but calling system is not good,

any ideas?
clrscr(); is not standard c++
graphics.h is not standard c++

I'd recommend you don't bother with such code as it is most likely very old and outdated.

But I thought as beginner IT student, its better to go 1 by 1, and go from libraries that are old and simple such as grahpics.h and then advance

any way for graphics.h and conio.h (with the clrscr():) I need to download the libraries right? and put them in lib?

I ran into a similar problem when trying to use SDL api.

I use visual C++ 2010 express. I had to go into property manager and mess with the configuration. Tell the compilier additional dependencies and such.

For some hard to follow but detailed instructions check out lesson one from
now I get it all, thanks for all your replays,
now I know how to insert non-standard libraries and use them!
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