C++ programming help!!

hello i am stuck on this project that i have due and dont know where to begin.

Write a C++ program using arrays that will;
 Read in data from a data file of ten(10) records,
 Print the original data,
 Using the Bubble Sort algorithm, sort the data by year,
 Print the sorted data,
 Then, prompt the user to enter a year,
 Use the Linear Search algorithm to find the record with that year
 Then, display the found record, if record not found, print “Not

Original Data
Name Year Tuition
David 2011 1582.38
Sylvester 2012 728.82
Ben 1992 0
: : : : : : : : :
Sorted Data
Name YearBorn Tuition
Ben 1992 0.00
David 2011 1582.38
Sylvester 2012 728.82
: : : : : : : : :
Enter year: 2011
Record found.
David 2011 1582.38

if someone could please show me the way i would much appreciate it.
thank you
As to creating and showing arrays and how to add data into them, I've just posted the code to the app I'm working on right now. It may be a good example for you to use as reference.

Fiber: thanks you this was helpful. i am also using windows visual but 2012. At my current school we are using java so C++ is pretty new to me but similar to java.
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