Okay, I am familiar with Bloodshed's Dev-C++. If you are making a "video game" you are either (a) making a win32 console project, and your map, characters, and enemies are specified char values. or (b) you are making a video game ( like the ones found at this website " www.moosader.com " ) with a graphics library such as SDL, OpenGL, or Allegro (to name a few).
Which are you doing?
What is the .3ds file an image of?
Describe your game?
What did you mean by "bump." (are you using https://bu.mp ?)
The reason you're not getting an answer is because nobody has time to teach you everything about displaying graphical objects with C++. The question is too broad and there are many websites devoted to that topic. Just do a Google search, pick a tutorial and follow it...