I am pretty new to this and I have never seen this and cant really find out what it means when I build the program it is saying up-to-date ?? what does that mean, what am I doing wrong ?
// CS 1361
// Assignment 10
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
int integerA;
int integerB;
int Min;
int Max;
// get integer A
cout << ("Enter an Integer: ");
cin >> integerA;
// get integer B
cout << ("Enter an Integer: ");
cin >> integerB;
if (integerA>integerB) // checking if integerB is bigger than integerA
Max = integerA ;
Min = integerB ;
if (integerB>integerA) // checking if integerA is bigger than integerB
Max = integerB ;
Min = integerA ;
cout<< ("The Highest Number of both integerA and integerB is = ") <<Max;
cout<< ("The Lowest Number of both integerA and integerB is = ") <<Min;
return 0;
It says up-to-date because you didn't change anything between builds. If there is a change that you made between builds, and it still says up-to-date, then you are somehow messing up what code you're building in the first place.
it is just suppose to display the maximum and minimum of two numbers that you enter, so max being the largest and min being the smallest. I believe my code is correct because if I rebuild It its says succeeded, then if I type in numbers on the display screen it tells me for example if I end 7 and 13 it says max 13 min 13 ??? and I don't know why
Enter an Integer: 7
Enter an Integer: 13
The Highest Number of both integerA and integerB is = 13
The Lowest Number of both integerA and integerB is = 7
It would appear that you have mucked up your IDE or compiler somehow, and are using an outdated version of your code with that issue. The code works fine as-is.