1:- In Template class : template <class khan, class khan1, class khan2> if I removed the other two arguments like template<class khan> and then i modify the two functions like below so it works like an ordinary functions,
Below Program Works Fine like and ordinary class and functions:
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
class generic {
template <class khan> //Generic Type of data//
khan add(khan a, khan b ,khan c){
khan d = a+b+c;
cout <<"Function 1:" <<endl;
cout <<"Integers Addition: = " <<d <<endl;
return d;
double add1(double a, double b ,double c){
double d = a+b+c;
cout <<"Function 2:" <<endl;
cout <<"Double Inegers Addition: = " <<d <<endl;
return d;
float per(float a, float b ,float c){
float d = a+b+c;
float per = 0;
per = d*100.0/300;
cout <<"Function 3:" <<endl;
cout <<"Total Marks are = " << d <<endl;
cout <<"Percentage = " << per <<"%" <<endl;
return per;
int main()
generic g;
return 0;
Program :2 Which doent work: Problem/Output= "Does Not Name A type or Mis match call to a Function""" Please any1 sort it out...and guide me where i m making mistakes and mess....
I think you are confused on the proper use of template syntax. Please take time to read this link and then let us know if you make any progress. http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/templates/
Thank you kevinKjt2000,, yeah sorry i was little bit confused ,, but anhow i got now some idea about it... but now i have another problem:
please check it out and correct it,,
Problem When i run this program at the end after displaying LETS PLAY THE GAME it show zero so how to remove that Zero, I used return 1 so it showed 1 and then i removed the return statement in my function/method name Print() then i showed a huge value dont know whats the problem.......
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
template <class T>
class khan{
T first, second;
T a,b;
cout<<"Enter Vale for a"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Vale for b"<<endl;
first = a;
second = b;
T compare();
T print();
template <class T>
T khan<T>::compare(){
T i= first+2; //return type is T which is now Integer in this case//
T j= first-2; //return type is T which is now Integer in this case//
template <class T>
T khan<T>::print(){
cout<<"\nLets Play the Game"<<endl;
return 0 ;
int main()
khan <int> k;
Ne555 sorry I didn,t get you,, would you please tell me how exactly to implement the code<<foo(),,, I used cout<<k.print() to call the Print() function i used above,,, please guide me ...
Don't use cout<<k.print() instead just do k.print(). Reason: in the x::print() method it already has the cout, so there's going to be an error repeating the ostream. Its like saying std::cout<<std::cout<<"blah";
Oops, sorry I made a typo
What I mean was cout<<foo();
that would execute `foo()', and then print to screen whatever foo() returns (like in cout << k.compare();
So analyze what cout<<k.print(); is doing.
`k.print()' prints a message and returns 0, that it's printed by cout.
If you don't want to output the result, then don't output the result (¿why are you returning anything, btw?)