a small airline company bought a computer to automate reserving tickets.
it asks me to build it's system
This airline company has one plane which has 10 seats
10 seats are split into two zones: 5 seats for business man and 5 for normal people .
write a code to solve these problems as following :
1- Define a variable represents the booking zone.
2- Display these sentences on the screen.
press 1 : to reserve in business man zone .
press 2 : to reserve in Normal people zone.
3- Define variables represents 5 seats for each zone (counter for each zone).
4- Reserve a ticket for one person (verify if there is empty seats than decrease the counter).
5- Repeat the above code to five seats.
if we suppose a variable represents a passport number for person as following :\
double pas_num;
cout<<"Enter the passport number"<<endl;
then we define a single array for each zone in the plane as following :
double B_man[5];
double people[5];
6- write two for loops to enter passport numbers for the people booking.
7- write a function that take the array as parameters ans prints it.
8- write a code to search if any passport number is on the array or not.
(for loop to passing all array elements and if the statement within (for- statement) examines the given passport number equal to the array element or not)
9- write a function that takes three parameters as input
(double pas_num, doublearr[],int size)
10- put the code in function that return 0 if pas_num didn't find in arr array and returns 1 if it finds it
I don't want to be mean or rude, but if you pass the exam, somebody might hire you one day, and pay you. What for ? If you don't know how to program, either to choose to learn it, or find something else to do...
If you wish to take the former one (start learning), then you could try this: http://www.learncpp.com/