Finding information and placing it into the code?

I need to know what it is called when you ask a question like

What is the diameter of the circle.
and then you type in the answer and then then that is taken and put into a formula and calculates an answer. I need to know what this is called so I can start learning it.

you ask a question like

What is the diameter of the circle.

Output to the screen.

and then you type in the answer and then then that is taken

Read user input.

and put into a formula and calculates an answer.

Mathematical algorithm.

Well, those are the terms I would use, and I imagine that those phrases would find you some useful results on a search engine.
Thank you very much I will search for the appropriate lessons.
As a beginner, I would recommend learning 3 things:

and File input/output

All your programs will have these. File storage is a must.
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