ascii of wide char

Hello. I have a problem. the ascii code in unicode of ἶ is 7990 in Greek language.
I am trying to take the 7990 on screen and i can't. Any help?

wchar_t* ch=L"εἶναι";
        cout << ch[1]<<endl;
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You are delving into character encodings and character sets -- it's not really a beginners topic.

ASCII is an 7-bit character set that only encodes enough of the latin alphabet to display (American) english. It doesn not support any other alphabet. That is not to say that what you want cannot be done. But it would be helpful to know what platform this is running on (Windows, OS X, Unix, Linux, etc.) Some part of the answer is likely to be platform specific.
I am running windows xp home Greek adition.
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cmd.exe isn't very good at all at printing Unicode. You should set your code page to ISO-8859-7, and then convert the Unicode string to that same encoding. Then you should be able to see Greek characters.
You can find a plaintext Unicode-ISO-8859-7 conversion table which you can process into an array here:
Thank's but my needs is for c++ program. I must obay a unique number of a wchar_t in base of ascii*16^i , i is the place of char, and of cource i must have for example ἶ the 7990 integer.
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Thank's but mu needs is for c++ program.
The solution I gave you is for no language in particular, so it can be used in C++.

Like I said, cmd.exe cannot handle Unicode. You have no choice but to do encoding conversion if you want to output non-latin characters. Otherwise, the user will just see a string of question marks.
You help me a lot, not only this time. Good day.

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