Register Then Login Then Go-F*ck-Yourself
Jun 8, 2013 at 3:59pm UTC
Hi guys! I imagine a object oriented program called "Register Then Login Then Go F*ck Yourself" to practice myself. I've changed it over and over again the make the code right but I still want to know the better. Could anyone find my wrong way of programming skills that should be corrected?
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Account {
public :
Account(string username, string password, string firstName, string lastName);
string returnUsername() const ;
string returnPassword() const ;
string returnFirstName() const ;
string returnLastName() const ;
private :
string username;
string password;
string firstName;
string lastName;
Account::Account(string username, string password, string firstName, string lastName) {
this ->username = username;
this ->password = password;
this ->firstName = firstName;
this ->lastName = lastName;
Account::~Account() {}
string Account::returnUsername() const {
return this ->username;
string Account::returnPassword() const {
return this ->password;
string Account::returnFirstName() const {
return this ->firstName;
string Account::returnLastName() const {
return this ->lastName;
int main() {
string* username = new string;
string* password = new string;
string* firstName = new string;
string* lastName = new string;
cout << "Enter the following informations required for registration" << endl << endl;
while (1) {
cout << "Username: " ;
cin >> *username;
cout << "Password: " ;
cin >> *password;
cout << "First Name: " ;
cin >> *firstName;
cout << "Last Name: " ;
cin >> *lastName;
if (*username != "" && *password != "" && *firstName != "" && *lastName != "" ) break ;
else cout << endl << "Please don't enter empty data" << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "You've successfuly registered" << endl;
Account* jason = new Account(*username, *password, *firstName, *lastName);
delete firstName;
delete lastName;
cout << endl << "Enter the following informations to login" << endl << endl;
while (true ) {
cout << "Username: " ;
cin >> *username;
cout << "Password: " ;
cin >> *password;
if (*username == jason->returnUsername() && *password == jason->returnPassword()) {
cout << endl << "Welcome, " << jason->returnFirstName() << " " << jason->returnLastName() << endl;
delete jason;
delete username;
delete password;
break ;
if (*username != jason->returnUsername()) cout << endl << "Wrong username" << endl;
if (*password != jason->returnPassword()) cout << endl << "Wrong password" << endl;
cout << endl << "Thanks for using this dumbshit c++ program! Now, go f*ck yourself LOL ^_^" << endl;
Last edited on Jun 8, 2013 at 4:06pm UTC
Jun 8, 2013 at 6:12pm UTC
1 2
//string* username = new string;
string username;
Also, check out initialization list
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