[b]Basically, for the pass 5 months I have been learning c++ out of a book called beginning c++ through game programming by Michael Dawson. It's great but all it does is shows me how to program things that just pop up in the console window, like text. I want to make some kind of game that is a 2D strategy game. And I fail to see how learning texted based games will help me learn about 2D game programming. Could you please help and tell me the BEST book or tutorial on how to program 2D games. I was looking at a book on amazon called Game coding complete, but now I'm wondering if it the right book for what I need to learn. And one more thing, is doing a programming in university worth it in the UK? I really want to be a professional programmer but I know nothing and don't know where to start.
Any replie would be great !! Thanks for your time.
And I fail to see how learning texted based games will help me learn about 2D game programming
Control structures, algorithms and patterns are same whenever game is text-based, 2D or 3D. Only difference is visuals.
tutorial on how to program 2D games
Books cat tell you how to use some instruments you can use to create game. You should be able program yourself. Also there is different thing like "Game Programming Gems" you can use when you ge a hold of things.
You can try SFML http://sfml-dev.org/
It is simple 2D graphics engine with many tutorials.