Why do i have to use adressof operator to refer to a var in this code?( int &p and not int p?)
why does it do nothing if i use "int p" ?can i have a logic explanation
still learning the adressof thing...
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void changer(int &p)
p=rand() % 215;
#define vectorsize 20
int dudes[vectorsize];
int main()
cout << "dudes : " << endl;
for(int g=0; g<=vectorsize; g++)
cout << "dude" << g << " is :" << dudes[g] << endl;
return 0;
i know that if i do
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cout << &somevariable << endl;
it will give me the adress of that variable(something like 0x02348)
but what is the point of "adressof" in that other code i posted (int &p)?
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thanks for your reply! sorry if i expressed myself in a confusing way