Generate Tone C++ Visual Studio 2010 Express

I would like to make an application that generate a tone of a frequency of choice at 48000hz.

I don´t have a code, as i can´t program at all, even though i did some at school, i totally sucked.

Would be glad if i still could get some assistance or hints.

Depends on the os. For windows you can do Beep() or '\a' on any os I think but that isn't a custom freq. I forgot what the function was on linux haven't used that in a while.
I am on Windows 8 64 bit.
then use the Beep function.

Beep( hz , time ); //I am pretty sure of
Okay, is it possible to set the time to unlimited?

I suppose you could put a long amount of time for the time. Or maybe use a loop that goes for ever.
while( true )
    Beep( hz , 1000 );

Also after looking at the Beep function again it seems that the max hz is 32767 so might have to use something else for 48kHz.
Maybe get a mp3 or wav that is 48khz beep and then keep playing that via a loop.
Beep() seems to reset all the time.
I am trying to get a constant sound, as i am trying to reproduce a sync issue.

And Beep() seems to reset after every sec or less, like BEEP(click)BEEP(click), so i don´t seem to get any sync issues.

Is it possible to make it have a rendered window?
Like Direct3D, and that the window goes white when it beeps, and black when it doesn´t?

Cause then i can easily keep track of the sync.
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