Array basics

Say I have an array that counts the occurrences of letters read in from a .txt file: After I've determined the index value denotes the letter that occurs the most frequently, how do I use the information I have (an array full of integer values denoting a count and the fact that each index represents a number) to print out the name of the letter? Clearly I can't just say "cout << array[index];" because this only gives me an integer value.


edit: is it as easy as: static_cast<char>(highest index) ?
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I think I may have convoluted the issue.

I need to shift letters by some amount "shift" which I've found using previous code. Eg: shift = 3 means that 'e' should become 'b' and 'a' should become 'x'.

I think I can start to do this by saying something like

ch = static_cast<char>(ch-shift)

but I run into problems at my end cases because if i use the above arithmetic on 'a', then 'a' becomes something like'^'. I need my shifts to be confined to the number interval that contains the letters in ASCII
If shift us three all the time you can do char ch = 'a'; ch += 3;
The shift will always be the same through the entire program, it wont always be three though. I don't think what you've written will work, unless I'm misunderstanding.

If I am shifting 3 to the left, IE 'a' needs to equal 'x' and 'b' needs to equal 'y', how does your code help me then?
Oh no I thought you meant right
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