"The application has failed to start because libstdc++-6.dll was not found" is an error I run into when trying to run the program found here: http://pastebin.com/E35cV8nT
I've searched my entire drive for the file, but it doesn't exist. I'm using the latest version of the Dev C++ IDE.
I don't know the 'Dev C++ IDE', but it's probably even in the latest version too old
It's true that it was last updated on Saturday, March 16, 2013. That's about two months ago - I guess that makes it too old :) http://orwelldevcpp.blogspot.com/
I suggest this: go to the IDE menu Tools->Compiler Options
Tick the box marked "Add the following commands when calling the linker"
and make sure it has something like this in the text box: -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
or if that doesn't work, try the options listed in the above link provided by Catfish4
adding -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc didn't work, and I'm not sure what you're referring to in Catfish4's post; it looks like the same advice you offered.
Also, turns out I'm using version of Dev Cpp and not the latest, if that even makes a difference.
Also, turns out I'm using version of Dev Cpp and not the latest, if that even makes a difference.
Get ready for a sea of posts saying how "we've deprecated it".
You should upgrade to Orwell Dev-C++ or Visual C++ Express to be able to use features of C++11 (the 2011 standard of C++).
Bloodshed Dev-C++ limits you to C++98/03 (the 1998 standard, and its inconsequential 2003 refinement - the language itself remains the same).
Anyway. In a sane world, all you'd need to do is download a MinGW runtime containing the needed DLLs. In our insane world, I cannot find anything similar for you.
Why should Orwell Dev-C++ be outdated?
Also, Visual C++ has not many C++11 features.
It only has longlong, the template nesting fix A<B<C>> and a bit more, maybe.
But it doesn't even have auto or the new for(a:b).
I had this problem when trying to compile a simple SFML program. Initially, the compiler complained that "libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll" was missing, then it complained that "libstdc++-6.dll" was missing followed by a complaint that "__gxx_personality_v0" was an undefined reference; at which point I thought "F**k this." and gave up -- it was too much of a hassle.
I never fully understood why the compiler was whining so much, but I did find out that I needed to compile my SFML program with the same compiler that was used to build the SFML libraries. I found that to resolve this, I had two choices:
1) Build the SFML libraries and my SFML program with my current compiler.
2) Obtain the compiler used to build the SFML libraries.
In addition, I found out what "__gxx_personality_v0" was here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/329195