libstdc++-6.dll not found

"The application has failed to start because libstdc++-6.dll was not found" is an error I run into when trying to run the program found here:

I've searched my entire drive for the file, but it doesn't exist. I'm using the latest version of the Dev C++ IDE.
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The basic fix is to use static linking (more info at the link above).
It has not much to do with the source code, but the compiler and settings of the compiler you use.

I don't know the 'Dev C++ IDE', but it's probably even in the latest version too old
coder777 wrote:
I don't know the 'Dev C++ IDE', but it's probably even in the latest version too old
It's true that it was last updated on Saturday, March 16, 2013. That's about two months ago - I guess that makes it too old :)

I suggest this: go to the IDE menu Tools->Compiler Options
Tick the box marked "Add the following commands when calling the linker"
and make sure it has something like this in the text box:
-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc

or if that doesn't work, try the options listed in the above link provided by Catfish4

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adding -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc didn't work, and I'm not sure what you're referring to in Catfish4's post; it looks like the same advice you offered.

Also, turns out I'm using version of Dev Cpp and not the latest, if that even makes a difference.
Somewhat relevant link:

Also, turns out I'm using version of Dev Cpp and not the latest, if that even makes a difference.

Get ready for a sea of posts saying how "we've deprecated it".
You should upgrade to Orwell Dev-C++ or Visual C++ Express to be able to use features of C++11 (the 2011 standard of C++).

Bloodshed Dev-C++ limits you to C++98/03 (the 1998 standard, and its inconsequential 2003 refinement - the language itself remains the same).

Anyway. In a sane world, all you'd need to do is download a MinGW runtime containing the needed DLLs. In our insane world, I cannot find anything similar for you.

My suggestion is: upgrade to Visual C++ 2010 Express:

Then install SDL for it:

Then ask you SDL questions here:
Why should Orwell Dev-C++ be outdated?
Also, Visual C++ has not many C++11 features.
It only has long long, the template nesting fix A<B<C>> and a bit more, maybe.
But it doesn't even have auto or the new for(a:b).
All of the things you mention it not having.. it has.

Although not, perhaps, in the 2010 version. I'm not sure why one would recommend it at this stage over the 2012 Express version.
@ cire: hmm I was under the impression VS2012 isn't available for older versions of Windows, such as XP?
closed account (zb0S216C)
I had this problem when trying to compile a simple SFML program. Initially, the compiler complained that "libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll" was missing, then it complained that "libstdc++-6.dll" was missing followed by a complaint that "__gxx_personality_v0" was an undefined reference; at which point I thought "F**k this." and gave up -- it was too much of a hassle.

I never fully understood why the compiler was whining so much, but I did find out that I needed to compile my SFML program with the same compiler that was used to build the SFML libraries. I found that to resolve this, I had two choices:

1) Build the SFML libraries and my SFML program with my current compiler.
2) Obtain the compiler used to build the SFML libraries.

In addition, I found out what "__gxx_personality_v0" was here:

VS10 only supports XP SP3 onwards.
VS11 should be from XPSP3 or Vista SP1.
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