string first name, middle name, last name, DOB;
gotos are really described as bad, and should not be used.
also, line 2 will not compile, as "name" does not name a type. you must make it "first_name" or "firstname"(without quotes),etc...
also, in lines 10-12, you misplaced the quotes, which would lead to compile errors.
a correct way of doing it:
No. Some problems:
1) You cannot have spaces in indentifiers.
2) :n\ where did you get that construct. It is completely wrong
3) Why are you using cin.get() here?
4) Do not use goto. Structure your code instead.
5) Your program is unfinished and will not compile
You're missing a lot of ; (semicolons) at the end of statements.
should be
Note that it's '\n' (character) not "\n" (string).
Get a good compiler like codeblocks and compile your program, it will give you a list of all the errors and error messages that you can google for hints as to what went wrong. And if you can't figure it out you can post the code here and tell us what error message you get on what line.
By the way what works for me is to study each section of the tutorial until you understand it, googling anything that is too vague, then when you have a grasp on it write it out a condensed version of it in a notebook in your own words. This will help burn it into your memory and act as a handy reference as you learn (make sure to include the exact syntax for things like assignments, the logical rules of different types of code etc). It really helps.