Trying to use MacOSX C++ compiler in Eclipse

We have just installed Eclipse on a Macintosh running MacOS X Lion and we then installed both the GNU g++ and gcc compilers for compiling C++ and C, respectively. However, we are getting "Unresolved inclusion: iostream" on the #include <iostream> statement in C++ and also unresolved on the #include "stdio.h" line in C. We're wondering if this is because we installed Eclipse first before installing the C and C++ compilers, but perhaps we should have installed the compilers first before installing Eclipse (maybe when Eclipse got installed first, it could not find any C or C++ compilers so it doesn't know where they are).

By the way, we were getting PATH errors from Eclipse but we got rid of those by putting symbolic links to where the GNU C and C++ compilers got installed. I'm guessing this could also have been resolved by installing the compilers first before installing Eclipse?
Looks like either:
a) Standard headers had been not installed
b) Incorrect include path in Eclipse configuration.
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