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// FILE: bintree.h (part of the namespace main_savitch_10)
// PROVIDES: A template class for a node in a binary tree and functions for
// manipulating binary trees. The template parameter is the type of data in
// each node.
// TYPEDEF for the binary_tree_node<Item> template class:
// Each node of the tree contains a piece of data and pointers to its
// children. The type of the data (binary_tree_node<Item>::value_type) is
// the Item type from the template parameter. The type may be any of the C++
// built-in types (int, char, etc.), or a class with a default constructor,
// and an assignment operator.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the binary_tree_node<Item> class:
// binary_tree_node(
// const item& init_data = Item( ),
// binary_tree_node<Item>* init_left = NULL,
// binary_tree_node<Item>* init_right = NULL
// )
// Postcondition: The new node has its data equal to init_data,
// and it's child pointers equal to init_left and init_right.
// MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the binary_tree_node<Item> class:
// const item& data( ) const <----- const version
// and
// Item& data( ) <----- non-const version
// Postcondition: The return value is a reference to the data from
// this binary_tree_node.
// const binary_tree_node* left( ) const <----- const version
// and
// binary_tree_node* left( ) <----- non-const version
// and
// const binary_tree_node* right( ) const <----- const version
// and
// binary_tree_node* right( ) <----- non-const version
// Postcondition: The return value is a pointer to the left or right child
// (which will be NULL if there is no child).
// void set_data(const Item& new_data)
// Postcondition: The binary_tree_node now contains the specified new data.
// void set_left(binary_tree_node* new_link)
// and
// void set_right(binary_tree_node* new_link)
// Postcondition: The binary_tree_node now contains the specified new link
// to a child.
// bool is_leaf( )
// Postcondition: The return value is true if the node is a leaf;
// otherwise the return value is false.
// NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS to maniplulate binary tree nodes:
// tempate <class Process, class BTNode>
// void inorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr)
// Precondition: node_ptr is a pointer to a node in a binary tree (or
// node_ptr may be NULL to indicate the empty tree).
// Postcondition: If node_ptr is non-NULL, then the function f has been
// applied to the contents of *node_ptr and all of its descendants, using
// an in-order traversal.
// Note: BTNode may be a binary_tree_node or a const binary tree node.
// Process is the type of a function f that may be called with a single
// Item argument (using the Item type from the node).
// tempate <class Process, class BTNode>
// void postorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr)
// Same as the in-order function, except with a post-order traversal.
// tempate <class Process, class BTNode>
// void preorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr)
// Same as the in-order function, except with a pre-order traversal.
// template <class Item, class SizeType>
// void print(const binary_tree_node<Item>* node_ptr, SizeType depth)
// Precondition: node_ptr is a pointer to a node in a binary tree (or
// node_ptr may be NULL to indicate the empty tree). If the pointer is
// not NULL, then depth is the depth of the node pointed to by node_ptr.
// Postcondition: If node_ptr is non-NULL, then the contents of *node_ptr
// and all its descendants have been written to cout with the << operator,
// using a backward in-order traversal. Each node is indented four times
// its depth.
// template <class Item>
// void tree_clear(binary_tree_node<Item>*& root_ptr)
// Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree (which may
// be NULL for the empty tree).
// Postcondition: All nodes at the root or below have been returned to the
// heap, and root_ptr has been set to NULL.
// template <class Item>
// binary_tree_node<Item>* tree_copy(const binary_tree_node<Item>* root_ptr)
// Precondition: root_ptr is the root pointer of a binary tree (which may
// be NULL for the empty tree).
// Postcondition: A copy of the binary tree has been made, and the return
// value is a pointer to the root of this copy.
// template <class Item>
// size_t tree_size(const binary_tree_node<Item>* node_ptr)
// Precondition: node_ptr is a pointer to a node in a binary tree (or
// node_ptr may be NULL to indicate the empty tree).
// Postcondition: The return value is the number of nodes in the tree.
#ifndef BINTREE_H
#define BINTREE_H
#include <cstdlib> // Provides NULL and size_t
namespace main_savitch_10
template <class Item>
class binary_tree_node
typedef Item value_type;
const Item& init_data = Item( ),
binary_tree_node* init_left = NULL,
binary_tree_node* init_right = NULL
data_field = init_data;
left_field = init_left;
right_field = init_right;
Item& data( ) { return data_field; }
binary_tree_node* left( ) { return left_field; }
binary_tree_node* right( ) { return right_field; }
void set_data(const Item& new_data) { data_field = new_data; }
void set_left(binary_tree_node* new_left) { left_field = new_left; }
void set_right(binary_tree_node* new_right) { right_field = new_right; }
const Item& data( ) const { return data_field; }
const binary_tree_node* left( ) const { return left_field; }
const binary_tree_node* right( ) const { return right_field; }
bool is_leaf( ) const
{ return (left_field == NULL) && (right_field == NULL); }
Item data_field;
binary_tree_node *left_field;
binary_tree_node *right_field;
// NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the binary_tree_node<Item>:
template <class Process, class BTNode>
void inorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr);
template <class Process, class BTNode>
void preorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr);
template <class Process, class BTNode>
void postorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr);
template <class Item, class SizeType>
void print(binary_tree_node<Item>* node_ptr, SizeType depth);
template <class Item>
void tree_clear(binary_tree_node<Item>*& root_ptr);
template <class Item>
binary_tree_node<Item>* tree_copy(const binary_tree_node<Item>* root_ptr);
template <class Item>
std::size_t tree_size(const binary_tree_node<Item>* node_ptr);
#include "bintree.cpp"