Trying to write a program where the user input get stored in an Array from a class. (don't know if that makes sense)
I have a class "Movies" where the user are suppose to input "Title" and "Type" (DVD/BLUERAY) and those variables are gonna get stored in the same spot in the Array.
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
class Movies
string title;
string type;
int main()
// Movie list
Movies list[10];
Havnt written much code because I have no flipping idea how to approach it.
I'm having a hard time grasping the idea of classes and arrays at the moment so I've just been staring myself blind in the textbooks and on the net. This is a homework assignment so hints are most welcome!
So im suppose to have user input for Title and Type thats in a class that then moves into an array that I can call to be written out if the user so chooses to.