Which of these books should I get?

Hello all, thank you for reading my post. My name is Kane, and I've always had a bit of an interest in programming. My dad used to talk about all the stuff he did back in the 70's and 80's, and its stuck with me--but until now I have not truly sat down and decided I want to learn programming. Specifically, C++.

I know next to naught about programming, so I need to find a book that will help teach me the basics of programming, and C++. I don't expect to learn this quick, rather I expect to be working at this for years, but I need someplace to start. I've read around, and I've narrowed it down to 3 books, which I will list below. I need good, honest advice from the good people of this forum into which book would be best for a complete scrub at programming, and won't completely bog me down or melt my brain as I attempt to understand it all. The price of the books are no matter, there is a Barnes & Noble not 10 minutes from me, and I have no qualms about shelling out $50 for a book if it's the book I need. Anyway, here are the books:

Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup

Thinking in C++: Introduction to Standard C++ (Vol. 1 & 2) by Bruce Eckel

Starting Out with C++ Brief: From Control Structures through Objects (6th Edition) by Tony Gaddis

Which of the above would be best for the absolute beginner to programming, looking for a knowledgeable and useful C++ book that won't cause a brain meltdown past the first few chapters? I look forward to useful advice, thank you for your time :)
I'm a beginner as well and I downloaded the first book online and found it to be remarkably unhelpful at this stage, especially since it seems to be c++ 98 not c++ 2011, which is what I'm learning from the tutorial on this site. What works for me so far is a) do the tutorial on this site, b) pace yourself so you don't burn out, c) google everything and read other articles about the same thing so you understand it from every angle, and perhaps most importantly d) write everything down in your own words. Get a notebook and make your own c++ bible that contains the condensed rules and logic and syntax of everything. It will not only be a useful reference along the way, but the act of writing it down will help you learn and codify each lesson. And when you occasionally need to go back and review the last five or six lessons so you don't forget them it will help ease that too.

But I'm a noob so what do I know.
First of all I do not advice the book of Stroustrup. It is the worst book for beginners. I have an experience of communication with beginners and I know what I am saying.

As for book of Bruce Eckel then it is a remarcable book. But it is a book for people who already have some level of programming. You should read it after you will read some book on C++ that indeed is designed for beginners.

As for the third book I do not know it. My advice is to read a book written if I am not mistaken by Prata.

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I read and liked the book by Gary J Bronson "A First Book of C++ From Here to There" ( second edition ) ISBN: 0-543-36801-8
I believe it was only like 3$ ( after shipping) was like 1$ before shipping used on ebay also and pretty much brand new condition.

[EDIT] looks like they still selling same price:
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Thank you both for the advice, especially Agnophilo whose advice on the keeping of a notebook and writing down what you learn I shall definitely keep, should hopefully let me get a better handle on things. and Vlad, I did a google search for C++ Prata, and the book C++ Primer Plus (http://www.amazon.com/C-Primer-Plus-5th-Edition/dp/0672326973?tag=r601000010-20) came up. Is this a solid book for beginners? I had heard some rather bad things regarding C++ Primer Plus, but I know nothing firsthand so I would love some advice.

Also if anyone knows of a more solid beginner book for a complete noob at programming to start with than the ones I listed, please feel free to list them :)
Ok, so I've been doing much more reviewing, and I'm leaning towards the book C++ Primer Plus (6th Edition). Seems to be excellently reviewed for beginners who are novices at programming in general. Anyone have a firsthand experience by chance to help me settle on it?
'm leaning towards the book C++ Primer Plus (6th Edition). Seems to be excellently reviewed for beginners who are novices at programming in general

I think it would be more correct to say "excellently reviewed BY beginners".

Your starting point for C++ book research should be http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242
FYI: Thinking in C++ is available for download from the author's website, so you can see if it interests you. However, as mentioned, it is explicitly not for a beginner to programming in general, just a beginner to C++. It's a pretty good book though.
closed account (N85iE3v7)
This book Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day (7th Edition) by Siddartha How is pretty decent and easy to read. Although I am not a beginner I bought it for polishing skills, upgrading to C++11 and cutting off C rather than C++ practices my last job made me use. It has around 200 pages or more on STL.

Right now something requred to be considered is to have a book that already supports C++11 IMO.

Amazon says that on next May 19th, Stroustrup will release C++ Programming Book 4th edition. Usually this book is not for novices, but it is full of complete, well described information and best practices.

Until Scott Meyers upgrades his books to C++11, these are the only books I will buy for now.

If Bruce Eckel could upgrade his Thinking in C++ books it would be great.
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I think the idea of creating your own book by writing concepts down in your own words is a really good
idea. I'm going to do this myself.
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