Hello all, thank you for reading my post. My name is Kane, and I've always had a bit of an interest in programming. My dad used to talk about all the stuff he did back in the 70's and 80's, and its stuck with me--but until now I have not truly sat down and decided I want to learn programming. Specifically, C++.
I know next to naught about programming, so I need to find a book that will help teach me the basics of programming, and C++. I don't expect to learn this quick, rather I expect to be working at this for years, but I need someplace to start. I've read around, and I've narrowed it down to 3 books, which I will list below. I need good, honest advice from the good people of this forum into which book would be best for a complete scrub at programming, and won't completely bog me down or melt my brain as I attempt to understand it all. The price of the books are no matter, there is a Barnes & Noble not 10 minutes from me, and I have no qualms about shelling out $50 for a book if it's the book I need. Anyway, here are the books:
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup
Thinking in C++: Introduction to Standard C++ (Vol. 1 & 2) by Bruce Eckel
Starting Out with C++ Brief: From Control Structures through Objects (6th Edition) by Tony Gaddis
Which of the above would be best for the absolute beginner to programming, looking for a knowledgeable and useful C++ book that won't cause a brain meltdown past the first few chapters? I look forward to useful advice, thank you for your time :)