I am a 17 year old boy and I want to become a programmer. I've decided that I want to learn C++ since I believe there is more of a market for that.
However if I could get any tips from you on how to start. For example do I need physical courses or could I get a decent start up from free or paid online tutorial sites?
What do I need to do, I do not want to start a full time education on the language, rather learn by myself until I feel I am proficient enough for anything higher.
Protip: Just do it! (this website has an excellent beginner's tut imho). Google what you need to know more about. Use en.cppreference.com for documentation (or this website, I personally like cppref better).
Yes, but I wondered if programming tutorials get outdated pretty fast? Or since it is for beginners it doesn't really matter if its from 2007, and thank you!
I think the tut on this site lacks the for-range loop and some library features which were added in C++11. But those things you can learn outside of this tut. The tut. here really covers the core of the language mostly, which I believe is vital to understanding higher level constructs and how to use them.
However I was looking at the tutorial for a second and one thing that crossed my mind is the terminology used. Will this be explained or come natural to me? Since I have absolutely no experience with other languages from beforehand.
I guess it depends on the individual, you'll need to be the autodidact and google the terminology, or just read through it and you'll get it eventually. Just do it? :D
I have already decided that i have to do it ;) I've tried looking into other languages, like introductions and similar things but I got scared away by things I didn't understand, but I guess I was expecting to be spoonfed all the things that I didnt understand and that somehow the author would know what I didnt understand, hehe.
But I think that I am actually going to try, and not give up by these silly things.
I am begginner as well,like 2months programming .I really can help you with tutorials and with programming as well. + Gonna create a skype group of begginners , so you will get even more help =]
Well, I've heard that it is easier to start with Python, but that's really not what I'm looking for. I talked to my uncle and he was/is a programmer and he told me that it's better for me to just start with C++ and learn things on the go. And I dont feel that Python will give me so much in regard to real world application.
Also I was wondering how much does this tutorial cover? I've downloaded it and I'll be spending the next few days reading it. What do i have to do after, and when will I start practising with a compiler?
I've downloaded the Visual Studio Express compiler from microsoft, is this an ordinary compiler or do I need something else?
So if anyone could direct me on what to do further after the tutorial with maybe other pages, paid or not, doesn't matter.
I really appreciate all the answers :D Keep them coming!
Most IDE's come with compilers already. So are you using notepad and a compiler or what? I would suggest maybe code::blocks as an IDE or geany possibly. Also the tutorials on this site are pretty nice. http://cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
I would start at the first and then at the bottom there is a next button so you don't have to go back and manually select each time.
I'm a beginner too at c++ but I've tried other languages for example java. I found this tutorial very helpful: http://newdata.box.sk/bx/c/htm/fm.htm
It's old but still very good and I got up and running after a slight problem with my compiler. The page seems to be down but google have a cached version and I downloaded all the html files. If you can't access the cached copy PM me and I can send It to you somehow.
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That takes me back...
@Hnodes if you're serious, get a real book, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242 for a list. Stroustrup's Programming: Principles and Practice is probably the best match, it introduces programming as well as C++.
As far as the tools, Visual studio express is fine as long as it's recent (2012, although 2010 was okay too)
So I should buy a book then? I bought a beginners book for python and read through it but it didn't offer any practical use, not for practice in a compiler/program.
So if anyone could recommend a really good book and preferrably on www.thebookdepository.com since it has free shipping that would be great!