Security is a feature that is common place in all aspects of software, most commonly in “Login” applications. The aim of this part of the software engineering project is to develop a elemental “Login” system.
A brief specification of the software requirement is as follows:
• Program will prompt the user to enter a password (6 digit password i.e. 123456)
• If correct the program will output a message such as:
• “Welcome_ Name of User_”
• If incorrect the program will allow one further input of the code word before terminating the process.
it will be soo cool if stars appear when u type the password i.e. ***** instead of the actual numbers
_getch() isn't a standard function.
I suggest you downloading the curses library and use getch from there
( if you are on Windows pdcurses otherwise ncurses )
(BTW, doing this kind of thing is waaay above your head. Make sure you tell your professor you got the echo-on, echo-off code from the internet, or he won't like you.)