May 10, 2013 at 5:49pm UTC
Hey so I am in a class where we are using Microsoft C++ and right now we are working on a program using arrays. We are given a problem where we have to sort people's salaries into categories of how much money they earn. So if they make $200-$299 they are in a category and if the earn $300-$399 they are in a different category and so on. I need to add to the previous amounts. So if the earned salary is $290 it will go into the $200-$299 category and then you will ask to calculate another salary. How do i keep the 1 in the category and still do another salary. So in essence, i need to make it remember everything it calculates and allow it to continue to calculate more salaries.
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char again='y';
while(again == 'y')
int salary[9] = {0}, grosssales, earnedsalary;
cout << "Enter the salesperson's gross sales: $";
cin >> grosssales;
earnedsalary = 200 + grosssales*.09;
cout << "The earned salary for this salesperson is: $" << earnedsalary << endl;
if(200 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 299)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $200-$299: " << salary[0];
if(300 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 399)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $300-$399: " << salary[1];
if(400 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 499)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $400-$499: " << salary[2];
if(500 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 599)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $500-$599: " << salary[3];
if(600 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 699)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $600-$699: " << salary[4];
if(700 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 799)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $700-$799: " << salary[5];
if(800 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 899)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $800-$899: " << salary[6];
if(900 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 999)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $900-$999: " << salary[7];
if(earnedsalary >= 1000)
//cout << "\nSalaries greater than $1000: " << salary[8];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $200-$299: " << salary[0];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $300-$399: " << salary[1];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $400-$499: " << salary[2];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $500-$599: " << salary[3];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $600-$699: " << salary[4];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $700-$799: " << salary[5];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $800-$899: " << salary[6];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $900-$999: " << salary[7];
cout << "\nSalaries greater than $1000: " << salary[8];
cout << "\n\nWould you like to calculate another saleperson's wage? y/n" << endl;
again = 'y';
May 10, 2013 at 6:01pm UTC
You have a couple of basic errors that are going to stop you until you fix them.
First of all, you reinitialize your salary array every time your loop runs -- so put the declaration before your while loop.
Second of all in your calculations you will add the earned salary to too many arrays (if you were doing that -- All you are doing is counting the number of salaries in a range.)
To fix your comparisons, you are going to have to use "else-ifs".
May 15, 2013 at 5:34pm UTC
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char again='y';
while(again == 'y')
int salary[9], grosssales, earnedsalary;
cout << "Enter the salesperson's gross sales: $";
cin >> grosssales;
earnedsalary = 200 + grosssales*.09;
cout << "The earned salary for this salesperson is: $" << earnedsalary << endl;
if(200 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 299)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $200-$299: " << salary[0];
else if(300 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 399)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $300-$399: " << salary[1];
else if(400 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 499)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $400-$499: " << salary[2];
else if(500 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 599)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $500-$599: " << salary[3];
else if(600 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 699)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $600-$699: " << salary[4];
else if(700 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 799)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $700-$799: " << salary[5];
else if(800 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 899)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $800-$899: " << salary[6];
else if(900 <= earnedsalary && earnedsalary <= 999)
//cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $900-$999: " << salary[7];
else if(earnedsalary >= 1000)
//cout << "\nSalaries greater than $1000: " << salary[8];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $200-$299: " << salary[0];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $300-$399: " << salary[1];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $400-$499: " << salary[2];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $500-$599: " << salary[3];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $600-$699: " << salary[4];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $700-$799: " << salary[5];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $800-$899: " << salary[6];
cout << "\nSalaries in the range of $900-$999: " << salary[7];
cout << "\nSalaries greater than $1000: " << salary[8];
cout << "\n\nWould you like to calculate another saleperson's earned salary? y/n" << endl;
again = 'y';
is this better??